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secondary research: ace in the hole edition

Writer's picture: Jasmine Ah YongJasmine Ah Yong

in which I play the hand I dealt myself the only way I know how

Did I say I was going to stop researching? Yes.

... have I had a tiny bit of spare time while my videos export that has been used for research? Also yes.

This was all sort of a Hail Mary attempt at getting some extra information, not that that's particularly helpful given that I already have, like, an hour of video content uploaded to YouTube. I guess I'm just hoping that in the final hours before this is due, I can try to get something done -- and if that means going through all the Google search results, then that's what it means.

(To be fair -- 'throw things at the wall until they stick' is not much of an ace in the hole anymore given that my energy levels are not what they were.)

pressure-sensitive fibers (Delbert, 2020)

  • color-changing fibers are used to understand why some knots are stronger

    • shows which parts of the knot are working hardest

  • believe that twist fluctuations increase how securely a knot holds

a knotty problem (Greenfield-Boyce, 2020)

  • scientists struggle to explain why knots do what they do

    • knowledge is experiential rather than theoretical

  • twist is a key feature

    • twists going in opposite directions lock it

    • twists going in the same direction can cause knots to roll out

  • also impacted by friction and overall complexity

spun yarn strength as a function (Ghosh, 2004)

  • strength of spun yarn depends on the gauge length and rate of extension

    • standard measurement of yarn strength is executed at 500 mm gauge length and 20+/-3 sec

  • experimentally determined strength behaviour of yarn at short gauge length is more appropriate to simulate the mechanical behaviour of fabric

    • it is not realistic to measure yarn strength at all possible lengths

  • the presence of flaws in the yarn leads to the localization of stress in excess of theoretical strength, initiating the rupture process

    • fall in strength with increasing test length is due to the increased probability of encountering a fatal flaw

  • (lots of interesting reading here, and some fun math, but not really relevant to number of plies and time crunch dictates I move on)

studying the tensile strength of a two-ply (Olsen, 2020)

  • the overall tensile strength of ply yarns is greater than the sum of the tensile strength of the composing single ply yarns

    • one study found their 2-ply cotton yarn to be about 2.73 times stronger than the single cotton yarn

  • total strength is the sum of the tensile force and the interaction force

    • tensile force

      • T=AeE (tensile force = cross sectional area * fracture strain * tensile modulus)

        • e = delta(L_break) / L_original (fracture strain = change in length of string when it breaks / original length)

        • E = stress / strain = (F/A) / (delta(L)/L_original)

        • based on Hooke's law, F/delta(L)=k, so E=kA/L_original

    • interaction force

      • T = f = aN (interaction force = frictional resistance = cohesion coefficient * radial pressure)

  • there is an ideal degree of twist for a yarn that gives the greatest tensile strength

mechanical properties of cotton yarns (Schiefer, 1935)

  • β = angle of twist

  • D = diameter

  • T = turns of twist per inch

  • M = twist multiplier

  • C = count

  • formulas are derived from the assumption that exposed fibers are arranged as helices on a circular cylinder and that yarns of different counts have the same density where angles of twist are equal

    • β = (pi)(DT)

    • T = (M)(sqrtC)

    • found experimentally that angles of twist were consistently greater theoretically than observed

      • β = [(arctan)(pi)(DT)] / [1 - (0.4)(sqrtC)], T=(M)(sqrtC) was found to work empirically

  • yarn is a heterogenenous material

    • fibers of various length, cross-section, and strength are held together by twist

  • yarn strength is related to fiber strength

    • fiber length (longer is stronger), preparation (combed is stronger than carded)

  • adding twists decreases the diameter by bringing the fibers in closer contact by a radial pressure

    • increases frictional forces between fibers and resistance of fiber slippage

    • also introduces torsional forces or shearing stresses which reduces individual breaking strengths of fibers

  • (again -- lots of data, not really relevant, might come back to this once the project is done)

relationship between tensile strength of yarn and woven (Malik, 2015)

  • not much relevant info here -- just a note that there's not really been much work done for how to predict the relationship between tensile strength of yarn and fabric, either; we don't have a nice equation for that, similarly to how one is not popping up for plying

  • fiber slippage and breakage varies with yarn structure (i.e. rotor, ring, friction) based on spinning system

evaluation of the quality characteristics of ply yarns (Uster, 2013)

  • coefficient of variation is less in a plied yarn based on the doubling law

knots, hitches, bends, and anchors (chapter 5)

effect of single yarn twist and ply (Palaniswamy, 2006)

  • hairiness of ply yarn decreases with increased twist

  • protruding fibers are inevitable as yarn is made of staples of finite lengths

    • easily peeled off in single yarns

    • surface fibers are trapped by each other in ply yarn, which improves abrasion resistance

an investigation on the effects of ply and single twists (Ömeroğlu, 2013)

  • ply improves strength, elongation, evenness, hairiness, abrasion resistance, bulkiness, twist liveliness, etc.

  • strength of a spun yarn depends on fiber orientation and fiber to fiber adhesion

    • twist decreases fiber orientation but increases fiber to fiber adhesion

ply twisting (Science Direct)

plied yarn (Science Direct)

TL;DR -- basically, still have not found answers in scientific literature.


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